
Taliban in Pakistan bomb attack killed 36 people

Near the northwestern city of Peshawar, Pakistan, 9 suicide bombing attacks, at least 36 people were killed and dozens injured. Taliban "adopt" the attack.

Peshawar is located in the incident near the city of Adelaide Karzai village. Police said Khan Zahid, when about 300 people are attending a funeral, the deceased was a local anti-Taliban militia leader's wife.

Syed Alam Khan, the survivors told The Associated Press that the attackers about ten years old, mixed with funeral procession before the funeral. "We thought this young man to attend the funeral, but he suddenly set off the bomb."

Another survivor said: "I stood in the last row, an explosion occurred in the middle ranks. Explosive power of a large, (shook tinnitus) I still could not hear."

Muhammad police officer, said: "We have sent the bodies of the victims and the wounded to hospital."

Kalam Khan, senior police officers confirmed that 37 dead and 45 injured were taken to hospital.

However, the Agence France-Presse in Peshawar, a hospital doctor Abdul source for the news reports, 36 people were killed and 45 injured, 11 of them seriously. The number of casualties could rise further.

Police Yijia Zi said the attackers "target clear: for the anti-Taliban militia."

A large number of Taliban and the "base" members believed hiding in Pakistan's northwest tribal region bordering Afghanistan. Palestinian security forces in recent years to increase military action in these areas and encourage the establishment of local tribal leaders against the Taliban and other militia rebels.

Members of the local militia Akbar, Gul said: "We have repeatedly and they (the rebels) fighting hand to hand, but can not prevent suicide attacks, need government help."

Indira Khan Val militia leader said he will discuss with the local tribal elders, the continued confrontation with the Taliban. According to him, the Government has not provided sufficient support.

One survivor said: "There was no police verification of identity, he (the attackers) easily mixed with funeral procession."

Survivors said: "The safety is the responsibility of the Government, but did not do a good job. The Government and the police should be responsible for such incidents."

Taliban spokesman claimed the day Ahsan  launched the attack on the grounds that the militia and the government. "If they (the militias) do not stop their activities, we will launch more such attacks."

Agence France-Presse reported that since 2007, Pakistan suicide attacks and bomb explosions killed more than 4,000 people died.

The eastern city of Faisalabad in Pakistan intelligence agency office near a car bomb attack on 8 May, 25 people were killed and 154 wounded, the Taliban then "adopt" attack. Nowshera district northwest religious places 4 a bomb attack, at least 11 people were killed and more than 20 people were injured.

9 Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani condemned the attacks, reiterated the Government's "determination to eradicate terrorism in every corner of the country."chinese furniture
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