
Who wants to two crooked waving

 Old King dare insult, quickly come up with a good tyre, rushed to lay inside the gas pump, or by holding water in the basin, careful inspection, kept saying: "two crooked brother, look, this is absolutely no problem, you may rely on it. "Two crooked impatiently not read inspection, saying this money into the old King in his hand. Lao Wang smiled and took out a new inner tube into the wrong hands the second: "the take over for you, let him take the faulty goods are free to bring me over. ”

Who wants to two crooked waving: "you sell him a defective, he has today, but a bargain, is now home to steal music too! "After listening to old King, has more blur in the heart, how I bought a faulty goods, it also has the advantage. Old Wang Nai boring when two crooked picked up counters and kick back small nails stamp to the hands of a new inner tube, "titter" with a new inner tube will break a small hole.

"Two crooked brother, what do you do this is? "Old King was surprised.

Two crooked roared, mysteriously: "King of old, you know, West of the town of Lao Li head open repair shop opened today is the anniversary, ' fill one get second ' activities. He said today he was there to fill tires, another discount of two free repair tire. Just think, if I fill a tire cost two dollars, Lao Li sent me again ' supplement one get second ' concessions, except the back tire money today, I'll white picked two dollars cheaper! I came home a look at the inner tube is defective, Huff would want to come looking for you, but on her way to find old Lee head repair shop offers, he go angry at that time. Then he told me the good news, said about people's old head Lee promotions will one day, let me get going up sth "
mb star compact 4
Mobile Repeater
cell phone amplifier
signal booster
GSM Repeater
Mobile Repeater

