
2011, Xu I am not dying of a spring! .

2011, Xu I am not dying of a spring!
Century, the late light tone, not the gorgeous love. Can not clean up everything all packed up, shake off the tears will never dry, erase all traces of the strangers, bid farewell to the past, bid farewell to the old days of the clouds!
- "Inscription"

【Morning - met】
Today regarded as the first day of work after the New Year right, the sky is blue how clouds look pale, cold air, the pale clouds, cold pressing of the wind, rolled layers of Si Yi scattered horizon.
In this hurried way to work, almost every morning, I saw the crowd at the strange, and I take the same route of a boy. A boy looks a bit cold, he always stood in a corner inside, quietly looking out the window, quietly listening to the song. As if this world, all people are busy coming and going, only he, quietly living in their own world. When my eyes swept clean, handsome face goes on, just to see him look back over the eyes, standing face to face moment, could not help some slight smile, he froze for a few seconds, and then also cast a smile. So, do we have known each other for it.
A beautiful Xinchan meet, meet in the winter, met in the subway.

【Afternoon - warm】
Quiet afternoon, bathed in the warm sun illuminating as heavenly smile, a trace of warmth rising from the bottom of my heart.
Finally, some plan to do the project completed, to their own cups of tea steep, Hong yu taste. Hands holding tea, hot, sweet, a small and a small mouth of the Min Zhao, tea warming my throat, warm my heart.
Rise like never touched a child warm. Efforts to see to experience the sun to breathe the warmth of the sun. Efforts to change everything.
A man accustomed to the quiet songs, song cycles with so few lyrics are familiar tone, hear is the lonely heart and years of screaming.
Like the simple life, a person, a cup of tea, a song, think of a number of incidents, some people miss, and not imagine some remote dream. No matter how beautiful the agreement was, how true, after all, the past has passed, only the most beautiful everlasting memories ...

