
Who wants to two crooked waving

 Old King dare insult, quickly come up with a good tyre, rushed to lay inside the gas pump, or by holding water in the basin, careful inspection, kept saying: "two crooked brother, look, this is absolutely no problem, you may rely on it. "Two crooked impatiently not read inspection, saying this money into the old King in his hand. Lao Wang smiled and took out a new inner tube into the wrong hands the second: "the take over for you, let him take the faulty goods are free to bring me over. ”

Who wants to two crooked waving: "you sell him a defective, he has today, but a bargain, is now home to steal music too! "After listening to old King, has more blur in the heart, how I bought a faulty goods, it also has the advantage. Old Wang Nai boring when two crooked picked up counters and kick back small nails stamp to the hands of a new inner tube, "titter" with a new inner tube will break a small hole.

"Two crooked brother, what do you do this is? "Old King was surprised.

Two crooked roared, mysteriously: "King of old, you know, West of the town of Lao Li head open repair shop opened today is the anniversary, ' fill one get second ' activities. He said today he was there to fill tires, another discount of two free repair tire. Just think, if I fill a tire cost two dollars, Lao Li sent me again ' supplement one get second ' concessions, except the back tire money today, I'll white picked two dollars cheaper! I came home a look at the inner tube is defective, Huff would want to come looking for you, but on her way to find old Lee head repair shop offers, he go angry at that time. Then he told me the good news, said about people's old head Lee promotions will one day, let me get going up sth "
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Like cotton candy-like

Since that time, the weather never seems to have cleared up in the heart, where the rain always hovered in that alone cry of despair.

Everyone has wanted to watch something, even if done, some things still cannot protect.

Like cotton candy-like, warm taste. All gently soft body like babies. Remember the last echo in the ears of the brakes, the blank has been carrying out under fear of death and heart.

Long, long time, she returned to the sea, only saw this fate strands wrapped around on the horizon. Smiles, tears and clearly watching.

Girls grin looked pale blue sky, counting how many cannot return to the land of dust raised above them? ear is a strong sound waves lash the coast for a while, though she knows is a clamor around. But human voice louder will eventually be consumed by roaring again, just as deep in love will eventually be some masks is to most of the paragraph. So, love light, end-----light love--------

Missing is endless, and quarter quarter every year, there is no end.

Vast endless grass, golden sunlight slip through the cracks of time slot variegated trees carved, transparent Crystal wind chimes gently swaying in the breeze, collision issued a clean voice, without impurity of sweet innocent, bite bite, shallow, flat pan shallow, flat pan. Moist air was dense TongRen, pure and transparent eyes slightly Pan Chao, so there is no reason to tear slipping---------------

However, already deep in the heart of traces, to how to erase?

World suddenly quiet down, leaving only tears collapse of rampant.

Effect of this look back, regrets what.

Dear, we all forgot that torrent Pentium battles still apart, booming sound billowy. Therefore, our sadness, we are unyielding to never despair, will remain the most mournful of palpitation. Although, irrelevant. Right now, across the troubled after the dust has settled, at a time when our long danding, haze cover up each other in the eyes of---------so always only have each other, we can't see beyond the abyss, how deep-------
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Constellation on blood type

 Constellation on blood type: "because you are a type of cancer, Venus falls on the Moon; and I-o Aries, Jupiter constellation the Sun. If we are forced together, collision and explosion Mars to Pluto sth "

With adults at home against the statement: "you must believe I only love you for a life of people. However, my dad doesn't like you, my mother hates you, sth dogs want to bite you in the House "

Allow time to resolve all claims: "I really love you, life apart from you, I'll never marry another woman. Well, if you promise to marry me, then we selected in the 20 years after the Valentine's day marriage OK? "
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nimal Ear Tag Laser Marker

nimal Ear Tag Laser Marker
Product Name:Animal Ear Tag Laser Marker
Product No:92248-458
Was Price:0Dollar/set Now Price:0Dollar/set
Last update:2010.01.11
Manufacturer:WuHan ChuangHeng Laser Equipment Co.,LTD
   Product details ........................
Specially designed for animal ear tag market, the essential components are original exported ones, reliable in performance, special coding marking software, automatically formed two-dimension coding , prompt linking to data of the Ministry of Agriculture, It is characteristic of fast speed ,high recognition rate. Some of these software and hardware have passed the inspection of the Ministry of Agriculture of PRC, and exactly live up to the standards.

1 Works steady, easy to maintain
2 Particular edited marking software,
3 Auto coding
4 Only used for conveyors and work fixtures,
4 High efficiency.
5 Long using life of laser device(8,000-10,000 hours)

Mainly used for animal ear tag (pig, cattle, sheep) number editing and two-dimensional coding printing.


Taliban in Pakistan bomb attack killed 36 people

Near the northwestern city of Peshawar, Pakistan, 9 suicide bombing attacks, at least 36 people were killed and dozens injured. Taliban "adopt" the attack.

Peshawar is located in the incident near the city of Adelaide Karzai village. Police said Khan Zahid, when about 300 people are attending a funeral, the deceased was a local anti-Taliban militia leader's wife.

Syed Alam Khan, the survivors told The Associated Press that the attackers about ten years old, mixed with funeral procession before the funeral. "We thought this young man to attend the funeral, but he suddenly set off the bomb."

Another survivor said: "I stood in the last row, an explosion occurred in the middle ranks. Explosive power of a large, (shook tinnitus) I still could not hear."

Muhammad police officer, said: "We have sent the bodies of the victims and the wounded to hospital."

Kalam Khan, senior police officers confirmed that 37 dead and 45 injured were taken to hospital.

However, the Agence France-Presse in Peshawar, a hospital doctor Abdul source for the news reports, 36 people were killed and 45 injured, 11 of them seriously. The number of casualties could rise further.

Police Yijia Zi said the attackers "target clear: for the anti-Taliban militia."

A large number of Taliban and the "base" members believed hiding in Pakistan's northwest tribal region bordering Afghanistan. Palestinian security forces in recent years to increase military action in these areas and encourage the establishment of local tribal leaders against the Taliban and other militia rebels.

Members of the local militia Akbar, Gul said: "We have repeatedly and they (the rebels) fighting hand to hand, but can not prevent suicide attacks, need government help."

Indira Khan Val militia leader said he will discuss with the local tribal elders, the continued confrontation with the Taliban. According to him, the Government has not provided sufficient support.

One survivor said: "There was no police verification of identity, he (the attackers) easily mixed with funeral procession."

Survivors said: "The safety is the responsibility of the Government, but did not do a good job. The Government and the police should be responsible for such incidents."

Taliban spokesman claimed the day Ahsan  launched the attack on the grounds that the militia and the government. "If they (the militias) do not stop their activities, we will launch more such attacks."

Agence France-Presse reported that since 2007, Pakistan suicide attacks and bomb explosions killed more than 4,000 people died.

The eastern city of Faisalabad in Pakistan intelligence agency office near a car bomb attack on 8 May, 25 people were killed and 154 wounded, the Taliban then "adopt" attack. Nowshera district northwest religious places 4 a bomb attack, at least 11 people were killed and more than 20 people were injured.

9 Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani condemned the attacks, reiterated the Government's "determination to eradicate terrorism in every corner of the country."chinese furniture
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The so-called once, the so-called happiness

The so-called once, the so-called happiness

Editor's Note: This is the first prose poem, writing a new love and marriage, written in bold and simple, full of philosophy.
Always thought that happiness in the distance, you can pursue in the future. However, she found that those who embrace people, holding the hand over, sang songs, the tears flow, loved the people, the so-called once, is happiness. In the numerous night, had said, called the phone, thinking over the people, the tears flow ... to see or not see the move, we have been, and then the shuttle in time, everything has become eternal!
- Inscription
Aquarius woman is unintentional
Feelings can be faster to go faster
Happy and not happy, no boundaries
Ye Hao days of chaos, brilliant Ye Hao
Mingled with the crowd does not matter in the smoke rings and perfume
Say, what can not be said?
To do, what not to do?
But life is so, why so serious
No more ups and downs of happy and not
Even if the mistake is that I, and very calmly accepted
Angry than live up to expectations
Explanation is to cover up
Lots of times
Would rather let a guilty conscience of the people with the cool quiet shut
If the separation, your face is warm, I am willing to tears with soul and you only exchange
A quiet ending
In the dark to see his heart, like the circling of the leafless
No attitude, no temperature, no pain, no life
But peace
If the separation, your promise is warm, I would like to use the life-long effort to exchange students only
A quiet end, was not destined to be forgotten
In life, see their tender cheeks
Qingchan hands, slightly squinting God
No tears, no outrightly
But peace
Not who held his hand, I must have you on the road
Not to kiss a pupil of the eye, and my eyes must have you on CD
Not because I love you, I have to give yourself the yoke
Not because of a "love got a million species, only a strong feeling," I should do, "hold your hand, and grow old with you"
People who claim to love me
Shallow apology when I turned around to give a sentence
Hope you will have well

2011, Xu I am not dying of a spring! .

2011, Xu I am not dying of a spring!
Century, the late light tone, not the gorgeous love. Can not clean up everything all packed up, shake off the tears will never dry, erase all traces of the strangers, bid farewell to the past, bid farewell to the old days of the clouds!
- "Inscription"

【Morning - met】
Today regarded as the first day of work after the New Year right, the sky is blue how clouds look pale, cold air, the pale clouds, cold pressing of the wind, rolled layers of Si Yi scattered horizon.
In this hurried way to work, almost every morning, I saw the crowd at the strange, and I take the same route of a boy. A boy looks a bit cold, he always stood in a corner inside, quietly looking out the window, quietly listening to the song. As if this world, all people are busy coming and going, only he, quietly living in their own world. When my eyes swept clean, handsome face goes on, just to see him look back over the eyes, standing face to face moment, could not help some slight smile, he froze for a few seconds, and then also cast a smile. So, do we have known each other for it.
A beautiful Xinchan meet, meet in the winter, met in the subway.

【Afternoon - warm】
Quiet afternoon, bathed in the warm sun illuminating as heavenly smile, a trace of warmth rising from the bottom of my heart.
Finally, some plan to do the project completed, to their own cups of tea steep, Hong yu taste. Hands holding tea, hot, sweet, a small and a small mouth of the Min Zhao, tea warming my throat, warm my heart.
Rise like never touched a child warm. Efforts to see to experience the sun to breathe the warmth of the sun. Efforts to change everything.
A man accustomed to the quiet songs, song cycles with so few lyrics are familiar tone, hear is the lonely heart and years of screaming.
Like the simple life, a person, a cup of tea, a song, think of a number of incidents, some people miss, and not imagine some remote dream. No matter how beautiful the agreement was, how true, after all, the past has passed, only the most beautiful everlasting memories ...